
Hi! I'm Julio Domingo,  an experienced software developer

Since 2010, I been working in small and large companies around the world, I created products from just an idea and scale to use by millions of people.

I help organisations to solve complex problems under short deadlines,  decision making based on collected data, and mentor other members of the team to success together.

What I did before IT? this is for another day

Experience in Public Administration & E-government

Here is where I started my professional career as software developer, started creating blackberry apps before moving to something that will change my life, Android.

Here I will explain later on my experiences in Startups, and moving to another country, for good!

Experience in Civil Engineering Industry

Working for a leading civil engineering in UK was the most challenge job I never did, and enjoy every single moment of it. Here is where you will find all possible edge cases you can find in mobile. Here not been only another Android Developer, but also got me exposure to back-end technology and, what was more important, to get introduce into soft skills of managing people and projects cycles in an agile world, it was a game changing.

Experience in Retailer Industry

This step on my life really blow my mind, on the good way :)

I had the opportunity to work with people from multiple countries, get exposure to a really tech company, and learn a good way to work with your peers, been a mobile developer to full stack developer to SRE, always learning, always sharing, always helping.

Experience in Travel Industry

Back to the origins of Android, but in a really fascinating project for an amazing company.

Before this company, the number of users who will use the product I develop was reduce to a set of countries and specific users, here everything changed!

Having a robust application was not enough, needs to looks pretty in all different devices, in all different languages, for all type of accessibility

Experience in the Banking Industry

My current role working for a top financial company, here we are talking serious engineering skills with the top engineers on the world, an amazing place to learn and develop, but also to share and mentor.

Here all my skills was put in practice, creating an application that looks pretty, works and scale as business needs, to offer to our customers access to their information.

Never stop learning new things, never forget what you learn

Camino primitivo

Camino primitivo born after a personal project for a better experience of the Camino de Santiago in Spain, soon this application starter to grow and, currently, have over 1M downloads.

Check it here: Application on Play Store

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